Text: Lk 2:36-38

Anna started well as a young girl that she became a marriageable lady. In her attempt to build a Godly family, she had a very rough, sorrowful and tough beginning. She decided to hold on to God with her faith and service. Anna remained focused, committed, dedicated, determined and faithful in everything to God. This gave her the inner strength, peace, hope and joy. So when Christ was brought to the temple for dedication, she encountered the glory and many things happened to her. Some of these were:

  1. The opportunity that seems denied and missed for life was restored
  2. The message shut up in her because of her circumstance was delivered
  3. There was an opened door to her to be a blessing not just once but a continuous one
  4. She became a channel of hope to many in different hopeless situations and circumstances

I thank God for the life of Anna that her resilience paid off at last. The same shall be our portion as we hold on to God and serve him faithfully.